How strong is the fence material?
Extremely strong. The secret to this incredible strength is how the material is made; by heating and stretching. The molecules of plastic arrange in such a manner as to provide maximum strength with a minimal amount of material. The result is a very strong material with a very thin profile.
Why is your fence black?
Black is the least conspicuous color in the garden and is difficult to see. Additionally, deer have poor vision and even worse depth perception. So, the black color of the fence, coupled with the thin profile, makes this deer fence extremely difficult to see. When the fence is installed above a deer’s line of vision, the deer can’t tell where the fence ends and the sky begins. The deer cannot see the deer fencing well enough to judge the fence to jump the fence. Deer will not risk injury jumping to go feed, rather they will just head to where the food is much more available.
Will deer run into the fence?
Not normally, unless a deer is spooked into flight. Deer are creatures of habit and tend to walk the same route at roughly the same time each day, feeding as they go. When the fence first goes up, you are closing off the deer trail, so the deer may bump into the fence. They may lean on it, push on it, and try to crawl under it. Eventually, the deer will create a new deer path that will go around your deer protection fence. This process takes 3 or 4 months.
We have very sandy soil, will the ground stakes hold?
We can supply extra-long ground stakes to hold down the fence in this situation. Just ask us!
Will the ground stakes pop out of the ground with the frost?
There is a zig zag shape on the ground stake to give maximum grip in all soils.
How does the white ribbon help the fence?
A white ribbon or streamer flaps in the breeze, alerting the deer to the presence of the fence. Deer eyes are designed to see motion. This flapping helps to train the deer to go around the fence, eventually forming a new deer trail.
Is the material UV stable?
Yes. The fence is infused with UV inhibitors.
How well does the material stand up to extreme weather?
When properly installed, the fence can withstand very low temperatures, ice storms, and heavy snow load. It can also be resilient in very hot summer temperatures.
How heavy is the material?
Unlike metal deer fences, our poly deer fence is very light and can be easily carried through rough terrain. A 330’ x 7.5’ roll of standard fence weighs 50 lbs. A 200’ x 7.5’ roll of heavy duty fence weighs 40 pounds . Compare this to a 330’ x 7.5’ steel game fence, which weighs over 400 pounds.
What is deer netting?
Some people refer to deer fences as deer netting. However, a number of the large box retailers market deer netting, and many people have purchased this material. Please be aware that this is an extremely lightweight and flimsy material that is not an effective deer barrier. Our advice is to buy your deer fence from a reputable, knowledgeable source. Ask a few questions, and it will quickly become obvious if the vendor knows what he or she is talking about.
Can I use wooden posts?
Yes, wooden posts are perfectly satisfactory. Be aware, however, that the post must be strong enough to withstand the force of a 200 pound animal. Generally speaking, you need at least a 5″ round post.
Any disadvantage to using wooden posts?
Yes. Inevitably, for the homeowner, a hole needs to be dug or augured out. For a post that’s 7 feet above ground, the hole should be at least 3 feet deep to prevent frost heave. The fence post then needs to be concreted into the ground, or the hole back filled with compacted gravel. Finally, wooden posts have a limited lifespan and may rot at the soil line. For this reason, we recommend steel posts.
Why are steel posts better than wooden posts?
A driven steel post is always stronger than a post in an excavated hole, as the soil is not disturbed. The post is not subject to frost heave because it is in a sleeve and can move up and down. Also, the thinner diameter of the metal post makes it much less likely to heave. Our round posts are galvanized and painted to ensure a long lifespan. Our Freedom posts are powder-coated and will last for a very long time.
Do I need to use ground stakes?
Not necessarily, although they are recommended. You can also use rocks or logs, as long as the fence is securely fixed and cannot be lifted.
Do I need to fasten the fence to the ground?
Yes, do not skip this step. If the fence isn’t properly fastened, deer will try to go under it.
How do I fasten the fence to the ground?
The fence material is 7′ x 6″, and the bottom few inches are laid flat on the ground and flared out toward the outside of the exclosure. We recommend securing to the ground with Deer Fence USA ground stakes every 5 feet or so. If a particular area requires more stakes to the structure of the soil, then do so. Deer will try to push under, so make sure they cannot.
How do I attach the fence to trees?
#10 galvanized nails. Drive the nails halfway into the tree, and hang the deer fencing directly on the nails. For more information on attaching fencing to trees, check out our installation pages.
What if the fence is going up or down a hill?
When the ground changes direction, there will be either too much material at the top and not enough at the bottom or vice versa. At the post, pleat the material as necessary. The extra material will not be visible when done at the post. If the change is more extreme, cut the fence completely off and reattach. Remember, change in direction, up down or side to side, can only happen at a post.
What is the purpose of the reinforcing cable?
The nylon tension cable offers a number of advantages especially in a woodlot. It provides another point of attachment between deer fence posts, producing a sleeker looking finished product. Additionally, it makes the fence stronger and increases the spacing between posts. Instead of 15 foot spacing, you can now space as much as 18 or 20 feet between posts.
Why is the reinforcing cable black?
The goal is low visibility. A black cable is much harder to see. Remember, when using cable, you must brace the corner posts. The only time this would not apply is if the corner post is a tree.
How is the cable tensioned?
Gripples are the simplest and best way to tension our nylon cable. A gripple is a self-tensioning device that has a small ceramic cog inside that grips the cable in one direction and lets the cable slide through in the other direction.
What maintenance does the fence require?
As with all fencing, it is wise to walk around the perimeter of the fence at least once a year to check for any damage, and repair as necessary. Please do not allow vines to grow on the fence. Eventually they will damage the fence, but before that occurs, the weight of the vine will pull down the fence. Additionally, a vine-covered fence is now visible to the deer. If a deer can see it, he can now judge it to jump it.
Will deer break down the fence?
No, not if the fence is installed properly. With that being said, on rare occasions, a spooked deer running at 40 mph may break the deer fencing while being chased. However, the fence is easily repaired with zip ties if that does happen.
I found some holes in the bottom of the fence. What causes this?
Holes are most likely due to a critter gnawing on the fence. Deer don’t have the right sort of teeth to chew the fence, but rodents do. This problem is easily solved with our chew protection barrier.
What if the deer get in through an open gate?
The biggest challenge is when the deer “doesn’t remember” how he got in, or if he gets scared while in your yard. The deer will dart to and fro, bouncing off the deer fencing. If it is a large exclosure, you will have to gather a few helpers to make loud noises in an attempt to drive the deer back to the gate where they entered.